When our daughter was three, we started working on the Gifted and Talented workbooks by Susan Amerikaner with her simply because we liked how they made her use her imagination vs. some of the other workbooks that simply teach reading or math. These books made her think outside of the box and truly helped her once she entered kindergarten. Plus, she thought they were a blastI belive these books are for every child, not just those learing beyond their grade level. ! You can find them anywhere on the web including Amazon.
My grandchildren LOVE these books! Better than watching television or videos while we were baby sitting them last week. I hope this talented author is working on new ones and if so, when/where will they be avilable?
I really wish there was a new series of these books. I give them as gifts to mothers of toodlers. They should be available in the snack departments of food stores. A better investment than junk food for kids!
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