My kids are always heavily into crafts and art and I am always heavily into washing their clothes afterwards. I found these adorable smocks by 3 Sprouts which are eco- friendly and easy to pop on and off. You can find then for around $25.00 on http://www.amazon.com/. Pair them with some crayons or paints for a fabulous gift!
OMG - Super, super, super cool and hip Blog! I was browsing around for some healthy and easy food on the go for my little one when I found it! I was immediately in love!!! I'm now addicted and the fact that among all the super posh web sites recommendation you included Etsy (where I actually have shop where I sell baby and toddler boutique dresses) just made it even more special! Congratulations on the amazing list of must-have items you put together!
Thanks Vicki!
I was out for a while but am back blogging! Would love to hear some of your suggestions
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